Restart Mentors
Restart’s flagship program. A 6 month one-on-one mentoring program for 20 pairs of soldiers and individual mentors who help the wounded soldiers define their own goals, and work towards achieving them. The goals range from professional concerns such as finding jobs, gaining exposure, and business opportunities, to social and personal ones such as cultivating relationships or starting a family, and more. The group meets every two weeks for enriching professional workshops led by the best speakers in their fields, who provide practical tools for the participants and their journey.
Starting in 2020, Bank Hapoalim has adopted the Mentors program and accompanies it as a strategic partner. The bank supports and accompanies social activities that focus on employment and people with disabilities. Thanks to this partnership we can strengthen and improve the program significantly.
The Process
Excelling Together as Individuals.


Goal Setting

Work Plan

01 Defining Strengths
02 Goal Setting
03 The Art of Listening
04 Overcoming Obstacles
05 Body Language
06 Entrepreneurship
07 Storytelling
08 Negotiation Managment
09 Networking
In Partnership with Hapoalim Bank
In 2020, Hapoalim Bank has partnered with us in the program.
As a leading financial organization, Bank Hapoalim has a significant financial, social, and environmental impact on the Israeli economy. This impact creates the duty to ensure that as an integral part of the operation of our business, our actions promote social and environmental values, to the benefit of our customers and all of our stakeholders. The key goals we have set for ourselves are focused on financial education, the growth of small businesses, promotion of social mobility and employment in peripheral regions, empowerment of people with disabilities, and digital literacy for senior citizens.
The recognition earned by the social action of Bank Hapoalim is also reflected in its top rankings in corporate responsibility, in Israel and internationally. Bank Hapoalim holds the highest rating on the Israeli index Ma’ala, Platinum Plus, and is ranked in the top decile of the Bloomberg, MSCI, and Vigeo Eiris corporate responsibility indices for the banking sector